Thursday, April 23, 2009

I am a brand conscious

This article is about brand conscious. Please do not misinterpret my message or my point of bringing out this topic.

I can't deny that I am a brand conscious. I wouldn't mind spending few hundreds for a dress or shirt as long as it is financially affordable for me to pay. Some people might think why must we spend more when we have other cheaper choices to buy. I am not saying I never buy cheap stuff. I did.. but it will depend on the occasion and places I would go if I were to wear it. If I were to buy cheap stuff, Sg Wang Plaza is the best place to go which in my opinion is not a bad place to buy stuff for daily wear.

What would other people think if they know that I am a brand conscious? That is one of the reason why I never disclosed it to people. Having been living in UK for nearly 3 years did expose me to designers and expensive brands e.g Timberland, Burberry, La Senza(which is so damn expensive in Malaysia), Clarks, Topshop, Zara and bla..bla..bla...

Despite of my conscious to branded stuff, I never look down at people if you buy cheap brand coz buying cheap stuff allow you to change your wardrobe regularly. I am in the process of getting rid few of my old clothes that I have had for few years already. It will take few months to change the entire wardrobe. Aza aza fighting! fighting!

I know it is not a goood attitude being too conscious about brands but I'm just being myself. I think I can call it as a desease. Obsessive to brands disorder hehehe...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tak mungkin kerana sayang

Setiba di persimpangan
Langkah kita tak lagi sehaluan
Bermula di saat itu
Tidak senada irama dan lagu

Begitu hidup ini
Tiada yang abadi
Yang patah tumbuh
Yang hilang berganti

Kau telah jauh, jauh dariku
Tiada ruang di hati buatmu
Namun harusku akui
Ada ketika di minda kau menjelma kembali

Sekali sekala ada
Ada rindu yang datang tiba-tiba
Tak mungkin kerana sayang
Cuma terganggu oleh perasaan

Begitu hidup ini
Tiada yang abadi
Yang patah tumbuh
Yang hilang berganti

Bday Wishes

Thanks everyone for the bday wishes, not forgetting how thoughtful everyone was reminding me that it was my 30th Bday. I would like capture words of wishes I have received for the past few days...


FAZIDAH ABD MANAP : Happy birthday my long friend ... may you always be happy & talkative

AZAH SHAMSUDDIN : Hepi birthday sayang

JOYCE YONG SUET PENG : Happy birthday to you my friend. Cheers!

AFNIDA ABU BAKAR : Hepi birthday adikku. hehehe...

NORMALI SAMSUDIN : Hepi birthdayyyyyyyyyyy.. many happy returns, moga panjang umur murah rezeki kawinn cepat.....HAHA.. TAKE CARE BABE..

GIRELAINNY LIO : happy birthday to pretty gal...happy always...cheers

SHAHNIZA ISMAIL : yati!!! hepi besdei

FIONA HOONG : Happy Birthday wei! ehhem ehhem, sudah berapa tahun ye??:p

SYARLIZ MOHAMED SAAID : Eppy Befday mek. welcome to the 30's club...Nanti aku belanja ko kat restoran arab this saturday. Make urself free!!!

JAMIE YEE : Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kakakkkkkkkkkkkkkk..HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ok la i wish u always seventeen la..happy? =D

NOREEN : hepi besday dear.....

AMI SYUQRI : "slamat ari jadi.. slamat ari jadi... slamat ari jadi kak long... slamat ari jadi..." hepi besday kak long buat kali ke... hmmm.. ke berapa yerk...

WANIE : heppy birthday....smoga pnjg umur.Brjaya dlm serba-serbi.InsyaALLAH...Pasni knduri kak long tema ap plak ye?ok la,kain jawa tuh wani redah jela nnt....

ALONG MASYITAH : Happy Birthday,Tepon aku problem. Huhu. Anyway selamat panjang umur, semoga sihat selalu dan dimurahkan rezeki. Take care

FAZIDAH SENIN : Happy birthday beb. Panjang umo.murah rezeki n cepat kawin.:p

AUNTY : Hapi birthday. Lain kali balik boleh belanja.

FIONA : Happy birthday dear! Wishin all ur dreams come true

IEDA : I'm here to wish u Happy Birthday ...!

SYAFFIEQ : Woi...selamat hari lahir...

MAI : Epi beday sweet sour 30! Eei.. Dh tua.

WENDY : Happy birthday to u.. Sudah cecah umur 30thn so be more mature (i.e no more crying, no more main masak-masak, get rid of the grandmother clothes) n be more sexy n gorgeous.. stay young too :D

OYIN : Hepi 20th*Bday :D *+10yrs :)

NANI : Salam Kakak! Happy birthday! Wish u happiness and prosperity!

TARI : Akak.. Happy b'day to u.. semoga umur pnjg, murah rizki and semoga cepat bersatu hehe

MAT LAN : Happy besday to u.. happy besday to u... happy birthday to yat... happy birthday to u

How sweet.....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

My wishes....

What would you do if your blog hits 1 million visitors? Believe it or not Ashton Kutcher's blog did hit 1 million visitors and he even beats CNN for the record. Gosh! unbelievable... Anyway, What I read in the Internet. He did paste Demi's a** in his blog and he even did whatever thing he could do to beat CNN. Cheeky boy.

Everybody has their own purpose and agenda to start their own blog. Blog has become a medium for us to voice up anything we want. The more we read the more knowledgeable we are. Sharing thoughts and experiences with strangers or giving travellers tips to others in our blog are simply genius thing to do. What I do is just keep on talking incessantly and I just love to talk. What ever thing that crossed my mind I will put it into a sentence.

21st April is my birthday. It's gonna be my 30th birthday. Gosh! I hate that number and time flies really quick. I wish I can stay 17teen forever and ever and ever despite the fact I know I cant :p

Here are my birthday wishes for this year.

1. I wish to have a bouquet of roses from the bloke that I admire. Ah! I wish.
2. Indulgence Choc Cake from Secret Recipi yummiieeee
3. 2 nights stay at Genting Highlands
4. RM300 voucher of M.A.C.

5. Spa treatment (if possible the one that includes wrinkle treatment hehehe)
6. I'm running out of perfume.Therefore, another voucher of RM500 will be just
great! huhu
7. Birthday wishes from Y.W.H. at 12 midnight will be my dream comes true. Call
me ... call me ... call me...

8. Karaoke...
9. A new bf hehehe
10.Candle light dinner with Ahsraf Muslim auw!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ABP 2008 at Genting

Going to Genting last weekend with my three other cousins to watch Anugerah Bintang Popular 2008 by Berita Harian was absolutely the right time to put on my jacket that i have kept for quite sometimes in the closet. I guess if my jacket can talk, it probably says 'Let me out! let me out! let me out!'.

We head off to Genting from KL in the evening, approximately half past five. It was pouring down heavily on our way to Genting. Alhamdulillah everything goes well until we reached the top in spite of our little disappointment in finding 'Pau kacang merah'. It was so frustrating to know that all the petrol station along the way no longer selling the yummie pau anymore. We were so hungry and to make thing even worst it was chucking down outside the window. How awful we were...

The crowds were queuing to enter the hall outside the main entrance when all of a sudden the rain was pouring down heavily. We managed to sneak in and right before the entrance I saw Ramli MS was sitting and chatting with a lady. I approached him and we took photo together. Inside the hall we sat next to the main stairs where the celebrities will walk down to their place from the main entrance and therefore, big round of applause to K.Nor for finding such a strategic place for us.

It was funny to think how childish we were waiting for the celebrities to walk down the stairs. My cousin even took off her shoes and climbed up the seats to get a good angle to snap some photos. I just sat on my seat with Lya. From the seat, Lya kept on shouting to any of her favourite celebrities passed by and the best part of all most of them heard her calling their name coz they did turn to her. She was so excited every time they turned to her and waved her.

Just to add something. I met Zefri there. He seemed busy and wish him well.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Akademi Fantasia 7

Last fortnight, I went to watch the concert live with my cousin K.Nor and my office mates K.Zu & K.Zah.

This season they have chosen few talented people which in my thoughts, have their own uniqueness for instance Hafiz whom to me is born to be a superstar with his ability and capability to perform and deliver a high class of showmanship,thus not only depending on his nice to hear tone.

Having been a wife to a famous & well established singer Zul(2by2) and being a sister to a famous boyband singer Tomok are the competitive advantage belong to Isma.On top of that, with her 'never failed me' performance made her the most chosen participant among the voters. Looking at her perform, you will be surprised to know she is a mum to 5 children. Go! Mummy.

On the third ranking, participant named Aril has her own uniqueness. I do agree with Dato' Khadijah Ibrahim's statement that we are looking at the new born Korean singer from Malaysia when we look at Aril. I left school years ago, so I am not aware of the latest trend among the teenagers nowadays when they talk about shuffle dance and bla..bla..bla... I guess, he will get most votes from the teenagers coz I think Aril is cute.

Tonight, once again I'm going to watch the live AF concert. My cousins and I will snap as much as we can few photos. Perhaps, none of the crews will catch us tonight coz we are not allowed to take any photos during the show. Good bye...