Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Shaffieq's Wedding Preparation...

July is about to say hello meaning the heat of the burning fire has pushed the temperature higher and higher and it gets higher and higher as time is approaching. My cousin and my other relatives went to Indonesia to buy most of their wedding stuff including the bride's dress and bla...bla...bla.... Here are some of the photos taken during their engagement to flash back the memories. Enjoy....

The handsome young doc @ the Vet.

I took a day off today coz I deserve one after a long hard day week. I wanted to take my cats to the vet ages ago and finally today, i managed to keep my words. I took my naughty & cunning meow to the vet for treatment

As I step into the building, I went straight to the registration counter. On my right hand side, there were cages ( 6 cages to exact) ready for the puppies & dogs waiting area. Dogs & puppies are not allowed to wander around the hospital freely.

It was my first ever time going to the Vet(it was fully goverment) at Jalan Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. The building was huge and very clean indeed but they should have had provided seats at the waiting places infront of the treatment room. There used to be chairs available at the aisle across the treatment room as I was told by a Chinese lady the owner of the three adorable orange cats. The service also not too bad, it was quick and the environment also to me really high class for a goverment Veterinary Hospital. **** from me.

The operation hours is from Monday to Friday. They are opened for registration as early as 8.45am, their lunch hour is at 12.15pm until 2.15pm and the whole operation ends at 4.15pm. The charges was quite cheap and affordable.So far, I dont have to starve till end of the month after sending all my four cats to the vet.

Most important thing to highlight here. The doctor was the best attraction for me to go to the Vet more often. huhu

Monday, March 23, 2009

Black Hole in your heart

Envy or jealousy can be a huge threat. From a small hole in your heart, it can severely damage our heart that lead us to cancer. The only thing is that this cancer wont kill you immediately but it will kill your victims emotionally and physically seen when the community is separated into difference colonial.

There are few causes of this behaviour cancer in my view

1. Competitive advantage threat When their rival is having extra comfort they began to feel uncomfortable. Good job prospect or any extraordinary opportunity is a huge threat to them. They want to be better off than others. In other words, no one can have anything that they don't have.

2. Denial of Fact If the fact shows of their slackness, they will try so hard to hide their slackness. In order to achieve their mission, rumours is their weapon to accomplish the mission.

3. Their born attitude
Naturally born with the idea of that life is not a life until we make one cry.

4. I cant live peacefully if others are happy
The only way to make this person happy is to see others' disaster life.

5. Centre of everybody. I like!
This particular person also like to be centre of everyone. To be popular is to show to everybody how good and knowledgeable they are to others. Therefore, others wont see this person as someone who is lack of anything.

6. I don't care! I always right no matter what.
Being criticize is not their favourite. Nobody can judge them but only they can bcoz they are perfect in every way. If they are being criticize that will jeopardize their credibility as a perfect individual in the eyes of people around them. They will snap or disagree if someone is against them.

7. Fear of rejection Rejection will kill their self-esteem and losing self confidence means they will lose to their rival.

8. My opinion is your opinion... Your opinion ... who cares?
Only their opinion is taken into account. Others' opinion is pointless and like a grumpy old lady chipping without teeth.

9. Nobody is perfect but I am perfect in every way This sentence plays in their head again and over again like a radio. None stop!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Evil Warlock hits again!

The air-cond is set at the lowest temperature as possible but still fail to cool down the rising heat produced by the evil warlock. The atmosphere is getting warmer as time goes by. The cool and calm look at my face did provoke him to hit me like a tsunami strikes a land. As usual, I got a threat come from the demon during the meeting which is absolutely immature to me.

After the meeting ended today, he personally requested to have a personal talk with me. This time being, I did use my brain before any words came out of my mouth. Basically, the evil demon warlock didnt have any issues to talk about instead of some old lame excuses that really funny to me. The best part of all, all eyes were set to us when we walked out of the room. He obviously trying so hard to dig out some teeny weeny points so that I will accidently disclosed the issues that he tried to discover. I was 10ft ahead of him.

My opinion is, there is nothing to hide from others if you are on the right track but when you are trying so hard to avoid others to know or nervous when someone has found out something or anything. That will give them an idea and impression that there is something fishy going on. We must admit that nobody's perfect in this world and if the mistakes come us, it is evil to passing the bulk to others. Learn something from it, work as a team and move on to the next level. Not playing dirt behind someone's back or bitching behind your team members back. If someone is good acknowledge them and if someone is no good you must know when it is time to let them go and appoint someone who is more capable to carry on the task. you must not let one person affect others job just because that person is your bestfriend's wife. Business is business do not mixed up your personal acquintance affect your performance at work and eventually, affect the organisation as a whole. Avoid office politics and have a healty environment so that everybody's happy to work together.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Evil Demon Bloke

Frustration! That is all I can describe about my feelings at the moment. It hurts when nobody actually acknowledge your hard work and devotion towards the responsibility given to you. Even wicked, when you have to listen to freaking annoying sarcastic words from your boss' for all the mistakes that actually came from them.

After the truth revealed yesterday afternoon during my secret meeting with one of my allies. I am looking forward and set for the management meeting that is scheduled on 31st of March 2009. I have a long list of points to be disclosed in the meeting that has been an issue to me. I wont be freaking mad if the matter is not a threat to me as the top management of the company but when others had tresspassing my territory and threaten me incessantly. You are crossing the border and I wont give a damn regardless who they are. I wish I can revealed the internal affairs that caused me a big headache but generally that's about it.

Thanked god, I have my own allies and most important thing. I have a strong back up from one of the Shareholder and pray for the best. I havent stopped cursing the evil demon bloke for being a traitor. I will give him a big lesson when the time comes.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I cant stop thinking about my work at the office. The stress is too much and even worse, when you have to hold on to your nerve though the temperature has reached its boiling degree and the volcano is erupting its reddish evil larva. Having been patience more than I should and if I snap or being harsh to any of my colleagues due to work ethic. It is just temporary and for the sake of the company's future and reputation. My reputation is at stake due to work inefficiency of my team member. I ended up doing my colleague work which I have requested more than a week. As the consequences, I pay less attention on my work and it has jeopardized my reputation and position as the top management when unexpected matter rose. I feel like to smack her down for being so slow and silly.

Since that moment, I can hardly sleep at night. I will stay awake till dawn has come and knocked down the darkness and fill in the sky with colours of the light.

I really wish to have a break but I need to rush and hustle the process of updating the information into the system which is desperately need to be done as soon as possible before it is too late for me to reconcile or amend any mistake done by human like me. I'm going insane when I get pressure from my directors and it is mad to think when I have to listen to three different minds and thoughts. High expectation and hope from them lead me to disaster when thing has gone wrong.

I dug out some tips to better sleep and it might help

1) What to Eat: A good diet and regular exercise are key ingredients to having a well balanced, healthy life. You have to find the best diet and exercise regimine for your body and you do this by actively trying new things.

Having a well balanced diet will ensure that you are getting all the proper vitamins, fiber and protein that it takes to keep you active when you’re awake and asleep when it’s time to go to bed.

2) When to Eat: There are different idea’s out there about eating before sleep. Personally, I can’t have a full stomach and sleep the whole night through. Going to bed on an full stomach sometimes makes it easier to fall to sleep because you are so relaxed and full, but you won’t stay asleep for long as your body begins to digest all that food.

Try not to eat anything big at least 2 hours before bed. I do not snack before bed either but some people do and sleep just fine. Experiment with it and find out what works the best for your sleep and your stomach.

3) Working Out: When it comes to insomnia you want to make sure you don’t have a hard work out anywhere near your bedtime, give yourself a good 3 hours of exercise-free time before bed. Like always, your body needs exercise to stay fit, circulate blood and sweat out toxins.

4) Take a Bath: Taking a hot bath can be really calming. The soothing warmth of the water and the relaxation of being alone and at peace with yourself should take away stress and anxiety. Try to take a bath right before going to bed. The temperature change of hot to cold and warming up under the covers can be a great sleep aid. Try to add some fragrants like lavendar which helps you to calm down naturally.

5) Have a nighttime routine: This could include your hot bath and maybe meditation time. If you have never meditated before; try it. Sit in a comfortable space (not your bed, the bed should be used just for sleeping) and concentrate on relaxing all your muscles and focus on your breath.

Nighttime routine activities can include:

Listening to music that makes you sleepy
Play a game of solitaire
Write in a journal (writing down your to-do list for the next day is especially beneficial then those items won’t spin around in your head keeping you up)
Do something you like: playing piano, guitar, sewing, knitting, painting. The act of fulfilling yourself in your day can be extremely rewarding and help you feel a sense of accomplishment before setting off to sleep.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Grief and mourn

Yesterday dated 9th of March 2009, my cousin Edy passed away peacefully at Ampang Hospital around 4.30pm. I was informed by my cousin's wife Kak Ila around 5pm. I was having my late lunch with my colleague Kak Azah at NLA, Bangsar Outlet when I received her text message. Al-Fatihah....

Today, I went to office after the Funeral ended around 12pm. At work, there was a long queue of people awaiting to see me including my Director. I supposed to have meeting with him regarding the Sales Analysis report but due to my unavoidable personal occasion we had to delay the meeting. I was so happy coz when I arrived in the afternoon he was having guests. So, I guess lucky me... I was able to finish my report alone hehe...

Someone... somebody hit my car and I only realized it when I want to go home today around 8.30pm. Damn! That would cost me a fortune.